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Worship With Us

Christ the King is a community of people who are full of life! We come from all walks of life and welcome
all who wish to worship with us. As a people, we are passionate about gathering together as a community
every Sunday to worship God in song, hear from God’s Word, pray for each other, be empowered by the
Holy Spirit and to serve God, by serving others, in our community.


Christ the King Lutheran Church is located in the Rockrimmon area of Colorado Springs, near the
intersection of Vindicator Drive and Rockrimmon Blvd.  There is plenty of parking and easy access to the
building.  Our facility is about twenty years old and is handicap accessible. 
Upon arrival at the church,
you can expect to be greeted with a warm welcome in a relaxed and informal atmosphere.  As you walk through the doors, one of our regulars will welcome you and offer you a bulletin.  The bulletin has upcoming events, and is also a worship aide, helping you navigate through the worship service.  The liturgy is “a blended service,” combining the richness of tradition with the freshness of contemporary worship.


The bulletin is like a program and will help you navigate through the worship service, telling you what songs we’ll be singing and providing you with a copy of the Bible verses for the day. If you wish to follow the readings in the Bible, copies of the Bible are available in the pews.


We create plenty of time in each service for worship through a variety of music, hearing God’s Word and celebrating Holy Communion. Holy Communion is an integral part of Lutheran worship. All who believe are invited to join in the sacrament. Be sure to take your copy of the bulletin home with you. In it you will find announcements for all the upcoming activities which include opportunities for service, for study and for friendship. We’d love for you to join us at any of the activities!


After the worship service, we like to have a cup of coffee, snack, and visit.  You might want to find out about our Hiking Group, Westside Cares work, Bible study.  Unsure of what you are seeking?  Give us a try!  This is a warm, comfortable space for seekers, who are not looking for a commitment. 


If you are looking for a truly warm and welcoming church, we think you’ll find Christ the King is the place!  Please let us know if you’d like to visit with Pastor or a congregation member, we’d be happy to meet you.

At Christ the King, we celebrate diversity and how it enriches, nurtures, and expands our lives.

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We affirm the LGBTQIA+ community, as well as those of any nation, age, ability, race, ethnicity, belief, socio-economic status, sex, and others who have been hurt, estranged, or made to feel separated from the family of God.  We strive to create a safe haven for ourselves and others in our community, and believe that we are one family through the Grace of God. 

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2020  by Christ the King Lutheran Church,
Colorado Springs Proudly created with

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