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Christ the King Lutheran Church
950 Vindicator Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80919 719-362-3483
Sunday Worship with Holy Communion - 9:30 AM
Celebrating God's grace through
acts of love and service
The CTK community has long been active in ministries outside our doors. This follows Jesus’ example of caring for our neighbors. Some events are ongoing while some are intermittent. Contact the church office for more information, or if you’d like to get involved in one of these. We are always open to new ideas for involvement.
West Side Cares food pantry
Habitat for Humanity
IHN/Family Promise
God’s Work. Our Hands. work days
Angel Tree Prison Fellowship
Pikes Peak Interfaith Council
Support for Foster children
Fair Trade product offerings
Reconciling in Christ
Lutheran World Relief
Summer Day Camp with Rainbow Trail counselors
Native American Women Association support
Narcotics Anonymous support
Boy Scout Troop Sponsorship
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